Welcome to Season 10 Starting items Comparison Article!
The viability of all common starting items are to be discussed here.
Starting Items
AP Items
AD Items
Defense Items
HP Potions are simply inferior to Refillable Potion
Corrupting Potion shows superiority over other starting items since the leftover Gold that would be spent on Health Potions for the other starting items are permanently lost upon use.
Doran's Blade is better than Cull until you are out of item slots and have to sell it. Longsword is the best choice for Melee Champions.
Corrupting Potion is usually the best choice unless your champion is manaless in which case you should get Boots + Refillable instead
Appropriate Firstback Item Combinations
AP Items
AD Items
Tank Items
Do not ever get health potions on Jungle/Support. You will see the explanation why below.
Dark Seal synergizes well with Corrupting Potion and is the only starting item that sells for 70% of its price value rather than 40%.
Always buy Refillable Potion over Health Potions. Also if you got Doran's Blade as your starting item, try not to waste more of your item slots.
Not Much to say other than get Refillable Potion ASAP if you don't already have Corrupting Potion.
Keep Value Comparison
saves 83 gold per recall. It also sells for 60g
breaks about even in gold efficiency in just 1 recall (143g ~= 150g)
This means if you're going to get 2 or less potions on any instance, it is always better to get
Pro tip: What do you do on your first back when you have 150 gold as left over? Instead of getting you better get even on ADC!
Starting Advantage Comparison
Some starting items such as leave you with 150g at start allowing you to get either or 3 x
: 250 HP
: 450HP
Now that is a major starting advantage we cannot simply neglect! So should the efficiency of be valued more than nearly two times the sustain which 3 x bring at start?
A better question to ask is if that advantage is truly worth the cost.
Most players purchase additonal for the first 2 - 3 recalls of the game and as I have mentioned earlier is superior for that. So since players should be purchasing anyway the playersthat started with 3 x will be behind 150g on their first recall. (due to 3 x not existing anymore) Don't get the logic? remains in your inventory even when it is all used up while doesn't. Here is a visual representation:
→ ⤎ (150g)
→ ⤎ Nothing Left (0g)
However, it is a different story if you decide to sell right away though,since thenwould be only as good as. In that case would be similar to starting x2 which is kinda awkward so don't do that.
> This is a pretty big win for . already breaks even withinstantly upon purchase. You can further reap the free 250hp sustain benefits beyond your first recall. And lastly, for the counter-arguers out there regarding the extra hp potion at start, is the extra 200HP sustain really worth giving up 8 cs (150g)?Amount of Backs
Money saved: 160
100 Mana
135 Mana (5mp5 for 2mins 15s)
225 Mana
250 Mana
x4: Outclassedby
Keep Value Comparison
Referring to the mana table above:
: 15AP, 135 mana, 60 HP, 5 Minion onhit damage
: 375 Health and 225 Mana over 36s. Deals 15 magic damage over 3s.
Though the stats of these two items seem very different they are actually quite similar in what they do.
: 15AP
: 315 Health and 90 mana over 36s. Deals 15 magic damage over 3s.
We can observe that, while is active, 15 damage over 3s (halved for aoe) is slightly superior to 15AP.
Combat Scenario
DoT Duration
AP Ratio (per spell) Required for 15 AP to be better
AOE Spell Single Shot
Single Target Poke
2 Spells & 2 Autos
4 Spells & 3 Autos
Autos Only
's 15 AP is negligibly superior in damage overall.
Hence, there is now a difference of:
: -
: 315 Health over 36s + 90 mana over 36s.
Therefore, is more worth keeping.
Starting Advantage Comparison
: 15AP, 135 mana, 60 HP + (300 over 30s)
: 375 Health and 225 Mana over 36s. Deals 15 magic damage over 3s
: -
: 15 HP over 36s + 90 Mana over 36s.
> Not only is better than at start butis also more worth keeping. Why wouldn't you want to get instead of and save on 100g from not buying Health Potions?
Keep Value Comparison
Referring to the mana table above:
: 15AP, 135 mana, 60 HP
: 15AP, 100 mana, 25% increased healing from potions, +3AP/stack
Hence, difference of:
: 35 mana, 60 HP
: 25% increased healing from potions, +3AP/stack
25% Increased healing potions gives
: 150 → 187.5 = 37.5 HP
: 250 → 312.5 = 62.5 HP
: 375 → 468.75 = 93.75 HP
for Mana for HP regen with Corrupting Potion
List of Assumptions
Laning Time (Seconds)
Doran's Shield Proc Rate
Average Amount of HP (%)
Champion HP regen (HP5)
is a zero-growth item that gives anywhere from 224 to 824 total hp over 2 minutes.
Keep Value Comparison
: 80HP, 6 - 31HP per 5s
: 150% Base HP Regen
Given the above assumptions, the result is:
: 80HP, 14.28HP per 5 Seconds (465.59HP over 135 Seconds)
: 12.00HP per 5 Seconds (324.00HP over 135 Seconds)
Then, the difference between the two items, given a 135 Seconds lane time is:
: 141.59HP
: -141.59HP
The break-even point for 3x is when it provides 17.24 HP per 5 seconds. In the average scenario, this is around level 7. In the best case scenario for Doran's Shield, one would constantly have the passive up at low hp. In this case, the 3 HP regeneration would never break even. Thus, an average top laner would benefit more from .
: [Total Loss: 200g, (50 x 4 consumed)] = 816.00HP
: As good as x1.67, also 50g unused (Highly Recommended) = 466.00HP
Depending on your lane difficulty, you can adjust the number of potions to bring with for x2x4 option surely beats at start and still has better value as well.
> , most of the time.
scales rapidly with level while is stagnant
provides more accumulated health than even at start
has better value since has to be sold at a huge loss
Is a good buy only if one can make near perfect use of the passive.
Wait, but what if your champion has extremely low hp regeneration (e.g. Soraka) or does not utilize in their builds? Then consider alternatives such as for mana champions, for Mordekaiser orfor AD tanks